Friday, October 03, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

Shot the Moon...

Here are a few shots of the Lunar eclipse the other night. Feb 20,2007

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Birdie jumped on my side table in the evening light. i just happened to be fondeling my new Canon 24~70 2.8L at the time and poped this shot. I desaturated it about 80% in PS to just leave a little color in her nose and on the table top.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Here is a shot from the fall. Yashica TL-Super with 28mm. Film was Fuji Reala 100 nad I upped the contrast in Photoshop a little. Actuall it looked like I wanted on my monitor at home but looks to blown out on my work monitor. I guess I need to learn the ins and outs of color management...

Monday, August 28, 2006

Birdie broke into the office again....

I know some people don't like portraits of animals but I was just screwing around and she jumped on my desk again....

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Birdie is taking a liking to photography...

She isn't allowed in the office but I was in a hurry to snap a pic of my Om2n and she just poped into the viewfinder just as I was shooting. I refocussed on her and kinda like what came out. She still got evicted from the office the second I put the camera down....

Monday, April 03, 2006

I went down the the Tidal Basin Friday morning to try to get a head start on the Cherry Blossom Festival. Ha, there must have been 2000 people down there already and I got there a 6:30. I learned on this trip that either my right eye has finaly become useless or my little Leica Elmerit-R 24/2.8 is crapping out. My vote is for the eye :-(. I am unable to consistantly manual focus this guy on my 300d. Of course the 300d has a horrible focusing screen that is not changable without doing some third party hacking. Maybe it's time for the 5d, opps, the wallet says NFW. Here are a few shots: I did not spend much time in Photoshop on these but just wanted to get a few out here. Definatly oversharpened the 3rd one. The shot of the tree overlooking the water will get some real photoshop work. I shot this one walking back to my car. This tree is sitting about 18 inches from an overpass going to Virginia (which is the backgroung). The shadow detal in the tree is from this bridge. It is odd that this tree is here but it is one of the few shots that I was able to take in usable focus with the 24 and had no people in the shot. Most shots with the 24 of a full tree had people in them. I have a roll in the lab from the X-pan that I'll post a few shots from once developed and scanned. Not hoping for much there though since the pano shots all have people in them.